Experiences at the 2024 Microsoft AI Tour in Sydney
This week was a lot of firsts for me - I took my first trip to Sydney in over 5 years, to visit my first large Microsoft event, volunteers for the first time helping run some of the workshop events, as a first time MVP! PHEW!
Read MoreMoving from Serilog to ILogger in an existing .NET Framework
I love Serilog and have been using it for many years, in the past together with Seq (these days I mostly just use Application Insights).
Read MoreAvoiding repeated Web.config transformations in Azure Devops pipelines
I recently experienced an issue where the way I was doing web.config transformations was resulting in duplicated lines in the transformed file, after it was pumped through an Azure DevOps pipeline build and release.
Read MoreDefining JSON-structured config in Azure App Service configuration
We’ve just gone live with our new infrastructure on Azure, which (temporarily) will use YARP to proxy all requests in our .NET Core web app to our old .NET Framework app, where they haven’t yet been ported across to the Core app.
Read MoreUsing Multiple Bindings with Azure Functions in Isolated Worker Process Mode
As I’ve just written about in my article about Upgrading Azure Functions to .NET 7, I’ve been working on changing some Azure Functions from .NET 6 using the “in-process” mode, to .NET 7 using the “isolated worker process” mode.
Read MoreUpgrading Azure Functions to .NET 7 Isolated Worker Process
I’ve been working this weekend on changing some Azure Functions from .NET 6 using the “in-process” mode, to .NET 7 using the “isolated worker process” mode. Do I know how to make the most of glorious weather?? I sure do!
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Using YARP with multiple domains
I’m currently going through the process of upgrading one of my ASP.NET web applications from .NET Framework (4.8) to .NET 6 (Core, baby!). As anyone who has been through this or attempted to start this process would know, as soon as you’re dealing with a website that is not “simple”, it can be a very slow and arduous process. Things like databases and authentication have a nasty way of getting in the way.
Read MoreSetting directory permissions with Octopus Deploy
If you follow me on Twitter, you’d probably be sure of one thing by now: I love Octopus Deploy! I have been quite vocal about lately, as it’s made my life so much easier and every time I use it to deploy a site I have a little giddy moment of happiness.
Read MoreMocking users in ASP.NET MVC 5
So historically unit testing has been a constant non-starter for me. It seems every time I start to write unit tests (whether it’s in an attempt to do some TDD, or just trying produce unit tests for an existing piece of code), I struggle to get over the hump of dependencies that I’ve incidentally placed in my way without even thinking.
Read MoreMoving Entity Framework migrations to another project
This happens to me quite often, because of the way I tend to work with new projects: I’ve created a new web application, got it up and running and set up my initial code first migration, start working on the model (maybe another few migrations for new tables etc) and then realise that I want to move the database to a separate “data layer” project AFTER I’ve already started running the migrations.
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