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Keep Your Website Page Size Under Control

How long does your website take to load?

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Windows Service using mapped network drive

Today I ran in to a situation, a small hump in the highway that is my life at the moment, moving my entire development environment to Mac, running Windows on Parallels for my .NET development (as I eagerly await vNext and the hopeful transition for me to doing it all (?!) on the Mac.

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Ensuring your email marketing is above-board

Did you know that we have had laws in place in Australia that prohibit the sending of unsolicited commercial electronic messages (known as spam) with a link to Australia? There are a set of rules surrounding the ways you can build up your mailing list, and the things you need to include in all your email communications. These rules form part of the Spam Act 2003.

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Google Ranking Changes for Mobile-Friendliness

Google have announced that as of April 21, 2015 they will be introducing changes to the way pages are ranked, to take into consideration the mobile-friendliness of the site. This change will affect google searches performed on mobile devices, to help ensure that content shown to users is not only relevant but is also accessible from their device.

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The Importance of a Correct Facebook Setup for your Business

So you want to use Facebook to promote your business? Brilliant idea!

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Developer Tip: ASP.NET Configuration in Visual Studio 2010

I’ve just come across a strange issue in Visual Studio 2010, when trying to launch and access the ASP.NET Configuration tool (used for configuring security settings).

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Taking a Screenshot in Windows

As we discussed in our post about backing up your website contents, taking screenshots of major content pages can be one way of ensuring you always have a copy of your content for future needs.

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Backup, backup, backup

An important question for all website owners: how long since you’ve backed up your website contents? Or even your own computer, for that matter?

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Making the switch - iPhone to "something not iPhone"

This week I made the leap away from Apple for my phone, thus ending my romance with Apple of the last year. This time last year I bought my first piece of Apple hardware - the iPhone 3G. At the time I had the choice to either wait, for potentially weeks, for the new iPhone 3GS, or take a 3G home with me on that day. Being me (an impatient, “want it now” kinda girl - OK a little bit Veruca Salt-ish!), I went for the 3G.

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.CO domains now available

.CO domains have been released! Offering you more choice in branding your online presence with a global, recognizable, and credible domain name.

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